Obsidian scalpel wound
Obsidian scalpel wound

obsidian scalpel wound obsidian scalpel wound

Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (1.1M), or click on a page image below to browse page by page. Full textįull text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. It is uncertain whether electrosurgery decreases wound dehiscence compared to scalpel (2.7 for electrosurgery versus 2.4 for scalpel RR 1.21, 95 CI 0.58 to 2.50 1064 participants 6 studies very low-certainty evidence downgraded for risk of bias and very serious imprecision). It is therefore suggested that this type of blade may find an appropriate use in special areas of modern surgery. None of the included studies reported time to wound healing. The prismatic glass blade is infinitely sharper than a honed steel edge, and these blades can be produced in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

#Obsidian scalpel wound skin

Skin incisions in human patients have likewise healed well without complications. We have been able to demonstrate neither flaking of glass blades into the wounds nor any foreign body reaction in healed wounds.

obsidian scalpel wound

Animal experiments have shown the tensile strength of obsidian produced wounds to be equal to or greater than that of wounds produced by steel scalpels after 14 days of healing. Crabtree have been used in experimental microsurgery with excellent results. Don Crabtree, who suggested possible uses for the blades in modern surgery. The technique of production of these blades was rediscovered 12 years ago by Dr. The finest of these prismatic blades were produced in Mesoamerica about 2,500 years ago. Archaeologists have shown that ancient man developed the ability to produce cutting blades of an extreme degree of sharpness from volcanic glass.

Obsidian scalpel wound