Shotgun farmers stats
Shotgun farmers stats

shotgun farmers stats

Remaining in safer zones can drive students to bankruptcy, because they are unable to feed and heal themselves on the poor loot available. This unconventional build seeks to ameliorate a common problem for students: as they level up, they require more expensive food and medication, forcing them deeper into Fairview to find better loot - but also forcing them into confrontations with more dangerous zombies. indicates a stat with no particular target number dump leftover points into this stat after other stats have been optimized. Parenthesis indicate stats enhanced with Godcrafted equipment. Numbers after plus-signs indicate added base stats. Numbers on left indicate starting points.Leftover points are dumped into Reloading. Accuracy is raised only to suit personal preference. Stat allocation optimizes Melee & Chainsaws at expense of firearms: Agility, Critical, Strength, and Endurance.This build should equip at least a Spiker, a Ripsaw, a Painshot, and an Ironsight.This build could be achieved more quickly with an Athlete. Farmer begins with no bonuses in stats or proficiency.Students will have invested 300 points in Stats and 355 points in Proficiency.If you wanted you could make it so that multiple people could complete the same task but that all the tasks must be completed to pass the test.

shotgun farmers stats

This would be a stealthy kind of test on individual skills, but it could really be on anything. You could even limit the amount of seekers that are allowed to participate to make the test fair.

shotgun farmers stats

The lights could even be off in the school and the 'seekers' would only carry flashlights. That gives the squad a chance to run away and elude The students. Maybe 4 lives then that member fails and if 3 members fail then the whole team fails. If a member get caught then that member has to restart from a set location and try again. For the first initiation I was thinking that you could do a test where each member of the banana bus squad have to complete a certain task in the middle of the night, while having the rest of the student body looking for them. It's such a cool idea and I would love to see it continue. Hey, I just found your story maybe an hour ago and I love it.

shotgun farmers stats

Shotgun farmers stats