Zen bound ios
Zen bound ios

Easily one of the better looking titles out right now for the IPhone. the Nintendo WII for example, the backgrounds and the objects that you interact with just look outstanding. They look great and although having good graphics doesn’t always make a difference for games, i.e. The graphics are another big deal for Zen Bound. This really is a great game to just pick up and play when you have a few minutes to waste. The number of levels is staggering and almost overwhelming. The controls are very easy to get down and after you complete one level you’ve basically got them down. Having the sounds directly heard through headphones really makes a huge difference in setting the mood and tone when you're playing each level. It actually recommends that you wear headphones and I agree. The music and sound effects really help to set a relaxing and meditative type of mood as you play through the game. That aside, everything in this game is just brilliantly done. Just about everything! First off, if slower paced, puzzle games aren’t your thing then you really shouldn’t even be reading this.


The game also has a link built into it that allows you to download the soundtrack for free (something that more games should start offering in the future). I’ve been messing around with this for well over a week now and I still have stuff to unlock. With over fifty different levels the game keeps you busy for quite a while. Other than the great graphics, sounds, and musical soundtrack, the game is loaded with tons of features to keep you busy for hours and hours. Well worth the price of $4.99 assuming your looking for a more relaxed and slow paced kind of game. If you want something a little left of center, this is exactly what you should get. The music and graphics are amazing, and the controls work really well for the most part. Because really, all you do is wrap some rope around different animal shaped objects, but it’s awesome. It’s so simple, yet effective and maybe that’s why it works so well. This is an incredibly addicting game, and I’m not sure why to be honest. The hype on this thing had to mean it’s overrated and not fun at all, right? Finish with the object and unlock harder and more engaging objects….Sounds kind of lame, right? That’s what I thought.

zen bound ios

Cover every inch of said object with this rope that leaves different colored paint to mark your progress. The premise: Wrap a rope around a wooden object.

Zen bound ios